7 Common Sense Ways to Save on Your Home Heating Costs This Winter

The furnace has been inspected and serviced, and you lower the thermostat when you are away from home, but your heating bill is still taking a big bite out of your budget.

Despite it being frustrating to see such small returns, saving money on your heating bill doesn’t have to be difficult.

Consider adding these small things to what you are doing now and see how much you can save this winter:

1. Dress warm

As much as 5% can be saved on your heating costs for every degree that you lower your thermostat (in the 60 to 70 degree range).

While you are away from home or sleeping, set your thermostat as low as 55 degrees to reduce your heating bill – by up to 20 percent! If you have a heat pump, this won’t work as it requires warmer temperatures to run)

To counter the chill from lowering your thermostat, keep small blankets and sweaters on hand, and wear warm clothing even indoors.

2. Use warm decor

As well as dressing yourself warmly, outfit your house as well! Here are a few items that are both functional and beautiful for your home: 

  • ⬥Insulating curtains
    • ⬦ Curtains that are thick and insulated trap cold air behind them, keeping your living space warmer.
  • ⬥Area rugs
    • ⬦ Wood and/or tile floors are great in the summer, but in the winter, not so much. Use area rugs to keep cool air trapped – and your feet warmer!
  • ⬥Flannel sheets
    • ⬦ Flannel sheets are soft and warm. You’ll love them so much that on cold winter nights, you’ll make excuses to go to bed early!

3. Trap the sun

South and west-facing windows are great for catching the sun’s rays.

Open the curtains on these windows every morning, letting the sunlight in, then close them at night to trap the heat.

Before winter strikes, trim any trees that block sunlight from reaching your home. Although trees, fences, and bushes can reduce heat loss from chilly winds, you can still maintain this benefit if you trim just those branches that block sunlight.


4. Limit use of your bath and kitchen fans

If you want to save money on your heating bill, minimize the use of your kitchen and bathroom fans. 

Although it’s a small amount, a steady trickle of small things (like an exhaust fan left on when not needed) can increase your heating bill by pushing warm air outside of your home, making your furnace turn on a little more often.

5. Reverse your ceiling fans

Use the reverse function of your ceiling fan(s) to bring warm air down from the ceiling, back into your living space.

6. Keep heating vents clear

Making good use of your heat is a simple, but effective way to save on your heating bill. When furniture, rugs, or clutter is blocking your heating vents, you’re not only missing out on warm air, but you’re potentially making your heater work harder.

Make sure that nothing is blocking your heating vents to get the most from your heater!

7. Close off unused rooms

Shut off any rooms you’re not using regularly, like guest rooms or storage spaces. 

Close the curtains tightly, seal off the vents, and place a draft blocker in front of the door to prevent cool air from slipping under it.

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